NIEHS Superfund Research Program Annual Meeting 2018

UC Berkeley SRP members were honored to help organize and participate in the three-day NIEHS SRP Annual Meeting held in Sacramento, CA, on November 28-30. We co-hosted the meeting along with the main host UC Davis SRP and co-host UC Dan Diego SRP.

Meeting Support and Planning: Our Administration Core secured supplemental funding from NIEHS to support the meeting. Martyn Smith, Director, served on the Main Planning Committee; Cliona McHale (Research Translation Core) and Rachel Morello Frosch (Community Engagement Core) served on the RT-CEC Planning committee; and Luoping Zhang and Felicia Castriota (Trainee Core) served on the Trainee Planning Committee.

Session Moderation: Cliona McHale moderated the RT/CEC session “Landmark Successes of Historical RT/CE Programs”. Luoping opened the Trainee Session and invited and introduced Tyrone Hayes, the Keynote speaker. Felicia Castriota moderated the Trainee session “Academic Survival Skills Panel Discussion”.

Posters Awards: Congratulations to Sara Gushgari and Jean Van Buren who each won a best Trainee poster award in the Environmental Sciences and Engineering Category. UCB SRP presented a total of 9 posters in biological sciences, engineering, and research translation.

Speakers: Rosemarie de la Rosa gave an outstanding talk on the research generated during her KC Donnelly externship collaboration with Boston University SRP. Craig Steinmaus gave an invited talk on health risks associated with arsenic exposure, highlighting the work of Trainees Felicia Castriota, Rosemarie de la Rosa, and Taehyun Roh.
